Bountiful Bouquet

Bountiful Bouquet

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All that's wonderful about fall the colors, the warmth and the traditions is beautifully celebrated in a bright and whimsical bouquet classic. This evocative tribute to the season includes orange Asiatic lilies, butterscotch daisy pompons, burgundy mini carnations, goldenrod and autumn oak leaves beautifully arranged in a keepsake ceramic pumpkin that comes complete with a lid. The Premium Style option includes the harmonious addition of red roses, and the Exquisite Style features mostly red and "cherry brandy" roses. From Labor Day through Thanksgiving, this fall favorite will deliver an extra shot of seasonal joy to birthday and anniversary celebrations, get well wishes and make a fun centerpiece for autumn entertaining. GOOD bouquet includes 6 stems. Approx. 10"H x 11"W. BETTER bouquet includes 9 stems. Approx. 11"H x 12"W. BEST bouquet includes 14 stems. Approx. 12"H x 13"W. EXQUISITE bouquet includes 17 stems. Approx. 10"H x 11"W.

DELIVERY: Every order is hand-delivered direct to the recipient. These items will be delivered by us locally, or a qualified local retail florist.

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